Scrum Daily Standup and answering three questions

Scrum Team

Daily Scrum or the  Standup is an important event in Scrum. In this meeting team, daily in an agreed time and place, gathers and share three important questions in the following way.

  • Previous day plan review, 
  • what they plan to help their section today
  • Whether they have any impediments, they can solve between themselves or need any external help.

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Salil Jha “]Team performance is directly proportional to team stability. Focus on building and maintaining a stable team. Stability reduces friction and increases credibility and confidence.[/blockquote]

TeamMany teams have lost the real essence of the three questions and diverged in any way. This article is set the stage correct.

Teams tend to follow a simple questioner like this

  1. What I did yesterday?
  2. What do I do today? and,
  3. What impediments do I have? 

Every time we listen to do this, it sounds right. But do you have reread Scrum Guides? Do you know what it said till 2019 ???  let me post it here! 

  1. What did I do yesterday that helped the Development Team meet the Sprint Goal?
  2. What will I do today to help the Development Team meet the Sprint Goal?
  3. Do I see any impediment that prevents the Development Team or me from meeting the Sprint Goal? 

When I coach a team, I tell the Scrum Master to add the plan something like this.

  1. What did I do that helped my Team to help meet Sprint Goal yesterday?
  2. What will I do to help my Team to meet the Sprint Goal today?
  3. Do I see any impediment or help that my colleagues or I prevent or need to meet today’s Goal? 

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma”]Scrum refers to; orderly crowd or disorganized team.[/blockquote]

Tips to improve answering three questions:

  1. Cultivate a mindset that the Team is building the solution. There is no single person E.x. One story, one member. 
  2. Provide updates on how I helped the team than what 
  3. Provide a constructive update; don’t give one-liners e.g.
    1. Yesterday I worked on Registration
    2. Today I continue work in Registration
  4. At least spend one to 1.30 minutes to give your update. Make it short and provide important pointers for others toThe Scrum Guide imagine where are we in the Goal.
  5. The receivers of the update are not listeners!. They have to know how the speaker comes up with a solution and where is he in the current situation. Who knows, someday others may have to take that work to complete as a team!
  6. Do not miss Sprint Goal. After all, this is the goal of the sprint
  7. Always have Parking-log as agenda! 

I know, point 4 and 5 is too abstract. Let me post another article to explain more clearly on making the update more transparent and make everyone have collective ownership of the team’s status. 



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