My 2020 Year In Review

My 2020 Year In Review

I am a person who relies on my mental energy and grasps knowledge needing silence and space. This year is in lockdown and social distancing; even work from home is not a big challenge. Though 2020 is a year of house arrest, it let me do things, read and experiment on many important tasks which  I have parked for a long time.

Sketches of Raj

A decade ago, or more, my thought of experimenting, What is a Blog? So, I created my first blog in Blogger “Sketches of Raj” AsanaInspired from Charles Dickens “Sketches of Boz”. This gave me quite good knowledge on web designing, logo, content, managing site, web mastering and SEO. I also explored Analytics and also signed for AdSense and Affiliations. I got from Affiliation, but from AdSense, I started receiving 300 bucks for 6 months from Google. I do not have any vision of my blog, but I like to see how stuff works?. Since I do not have any special interest in blogging, somehow discontinued.

Last year has given me a new vision to be a Technical Writer. I have enrolled to learn more about Content and Technical Writing. This new year,  focusing on improving my writing skills. I am happy to see my wife also joined in this bandwagon and created her own blog called My Green Apron.

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Socrates”]The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.[/blockquote]

Sustainable Living

Living in harmony is the essence of any life “Live and Let Live” is the core lesson taught from our motherland. In this TepachePandemic due to lockdown for months our planet has healed from human-created pollution. This made me think a while more on how better we can live in harmony with nature. Over existence must not harm our surrounding. I like to do Gardening, Composting, edible garden, even though I live in an apartment. Last year I was enlightened more to go the Whole plant-based and adopt a Vegan Lifestyle.

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Marie Curie”]Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.[/blockquote]

“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.”

I am interested to learn more in-depth about pandemic,covid19, and virus. I have seriously thought why mainstream medicine has neglected, not giving more space and importance for Nutrition. If food is our source of living then why we rely on synthetic medicines? Ayurveda speaks the same. Thanks to Netflix. Yes, you have a lot of answer in Netflix regarding what I am speaking about. If you do a Treasure hunt in it. 2020 Thank you for enlightening me. You ought to know these in my future articles.

Reader in a Jail

I can’t say reading is my passion, a voracious reader. I have a quiet good collection, but now more often go through ebooks and audiobooks. I like  Kindle a lot and using upgraded version this year. Digital means going Green in your reading also. You avoid cluttering books at home, carrying a lot of books, once used throwing them later. Kindle or ebooks are sustainable living, not necessary to carry all books. A single device will hold a lot of books, and you do not have to throw them.  It’s an excellent platform and saves trees  “e” is the future.

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Jeanette Winterson”]Books and doors are the same things. You open them, and you go through into another world[/blockquote]


Thanks to The Minimalists and others who really made me rethink what is my belongings!  Till today I always wish to buy and keep possessing. Items/Belongings I buy never had a priority nor helped me in my sustainable living principle. I wish to get rid of the clutter created at home by me. This new year will bring some new idea of going minimalistic.

Tryst with Yoga

The only long term exercise I did in my life is Taichi. I liked it because of its flow of movements. I had a view that yoga is just single steps and not much into it. This year have given time to explore yoga as a whole. I read Yoga Sutra and clarified doubts with some seniors. I have practised Ashtanga Vinyasa my own and fall love with flow yoga. I wanted to do more experiment and joined and start practising Vinyasa Flow Yoga. I stumbled upon Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital And Research Center two videos DMH Jalneti-2 Q & A | जलनेती प्रश्नोत्तरे and जलनेती | DMH Jalneti and fall in love with Hatha Yoga Shat karma now I am doing 2 karma regularly Jal Neti and Kapalbhati.

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Thiruvalluvar”]To one who doesnt kill and refuses meat, all lives will, fold their arms and pay obeisance. [/blockquote]

Overall this year is an experiment of a monkhood! 🙂

Feel free to share your views on my review or your experience you like.

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