
About Rajmahendra


Welcome to my Blog.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I am professionally a Software engineer, who uses a computer to craft my code than writing articles. I have spent most of the time making my code work with different clients to reach their goals than improving my skill in writing my dreams. I love to argue on different ideas I like at the same time love to learn in the same process. This blog is a journey to start a habit to improve my content and technical writing. I am not a pro in writing a blog but a very nice person to share my ideas and knowledge with others. I will appreciate it if you have visited my blog you like/dislike my view or article feel free to post your view as comments any type of feedback in constructive criticism is always welcome.

As I mentioned I am an IT professional, I am an Agilist by day, coder and hacker at night, I code in Java and related technology. And at the weekend I am a passionate Java Community guy, who love to share my toys with others and help the developers community.

Apart from my professional, I am also interested in History, Science, heritage and sustainable living. So you will see articles on the above topics in this blog.

To be specific about the Categories:


Java is my language of coding, In technology, you mostly see about Java, Java FX, Jakarta EE, Gradle, Scala, Kotling, etc. I do interested in JavaScript, Cloud, Microservices etc. If you are a technical guy like me then you have quite good articles on this Category soon.


Apart from Coding, I am also working as a Servant Leader and helped solutions and businesses to adopt Agility using a lightweight process like Agile and Lead. In this category you will learn the best of both worlds; Agile and Lean with TDD, BDD, Scrum, XP etc. I not only share what are these things all about but also I love to share my personal experience and how I try to mitigate my challenges.


Whatever you do in your life for a living if you have to live with nature, it will destroy you. This is what we see today in the world of climatic change, greenhouse gas etc. Everything starts from our home the place where we live!. Our life is dependent on this planet, The Earth. We can’t live like Elvis but as a _Wice_ Human (Homo sapiens) we can live with nature to sow what we reap.

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