How to Brew Compost Tea for Your Garden

Compost Tea

As a gardener, you need better fertilizer, synthetic fertilizer are good one way, but it’s harmful if you use it for an edible Hydroponic systemgarden.  In this article and video, we are going to see how to brew compost tea for your garden at home, easily with less effort

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Gertrude Jekyll”]The lesson I have thoroughly learnt, and wish to pass on to others, is to know the enduring happiness that the love of a garden gives.[/blockquote]

Brewing compost tea is a hobby for many gardeners who also do compost. It’s all about culturing beneficial bacterias from Compost, normal compost or from the general way of using Vermicompost. I also see the use of cow dung manure compost as well. Because compost has natural bio-organisms which plants in growth and immunity, gardeners brew them and feel their plants.

The video gives a perfect hands-on way of browsing the compost tea, what to do and how to do. Feel free to try and post your experience as a comment here. If you stuck also feel free to reach out, I am happy to help you.

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