Just sit with the real you, the perfect truth, conscious, and bliss.
Yes, this is enough to meet yourself.
Inner peace and tranquility
From worldly chaos to your inner self,
Your actual journey begins.
Sit in a comfortable posture,
On floor or chair.
Raise your spine straight,
Pelvis neutral, neck and head aligned.
Shoulders wide and relaxed,
Legs in a comfortable position,
Hold this posture as long as you want.
Now, close your eyes.
Gaze into the darkness,
Breathe normally,
Focus on your breath,
As you inhale and exhale.
The less you move,
The smoother your journey,
When senses calm,
Focus on emptiness.
Here comes the true villain,
Thoughts — they are not coming,
But going out,
Observe the passing time silently.
Without judgment, being the witness and in stillness,
This is the secret of being you,
The real you,
The perfect truth, conscious, and bliss.